Free introductory workshop

Introduction to Autism, Learning Disabilities and Behaviours of Concern
Via Microsoft teams on

  • Friday 28th February 1030 till 1230

  • Friday 28th March 1030 till 1230

  • Friday 25th April 1030 till 1230

  • Friday 23th May1030 till 1230

    This is a free introductory workshop, run by Dr Andrew Bamber from Lingmell Psychology.

    Who is the workshop for?
    *Do you have a child who is either recently diagnosed or on a long NHS waiting list?
    *Are you noticing traits of autism or neurodiversity and would like to know more?
    *Are there behaviours of concern that you cannot get support with from your NHS or social care services? 
    *Do you want clear ideas about how to support your child?

    What is the workshop about?
    In the 2 hour workshop we will cover the basics of:
    *What is neurodiversity/autism?
    *What is a learning disability?
    *What is attachment and trauma?
    *Introduction to functions of behaviour